


The Dynamic Senders of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) via the Innovation Diffusion Model: Using the Movies Industry as an Example




林郁翔(Yu-Hsiang Lin);游文婷(Wen-Ting Yu)


網路口碑傳播者 ; 創新擴散模型 ; 網路口碑動機 ; 價值觀 ; eWOM disseminator ; innovation diffusion model ; eWOM motivations ; values




11卷1期(2015 / 04 / 01)


1 - 35






Many past studies related to the types of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) disseminators conduct surveys through the cross-sectional survey method, while overlooking the eWOM disseminatortypes from the dynamic perspective during the product diffusionprocess. This study applies the innovators and imitators' perspectives from the Bass innovation diffusion model to explore the motivations affecting word-of-mouth dissemination by eWOM disseminators and their characteristics in different stages and compare the similarities and differences. We surveyed 325 consumers who had disseminated movie eWOM and conducted logistics regression analysis and ANOVA to test our hypotheses. The results show that despite the many similarities in the eWOM motivations and characteristics of eWOM disseminators (i.e. innovators and imitators) in different stages, various differences existed. Compared to imitators, positive self-enhancement, company advocacies, emphasis for individuals' intrinsic values (such as seeking excitement and having higher self-respect) have a higher impact on innovators. Venting negative feelings, caring for others, strengthening social benefits, emphasis for individuals' extrinsic values (such as a sense of security and belongingness), and interpersonal relationship values (such as emphasis for relationships with others and fun and enjoyment of life) have a higher impact on imitators. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are put forth to serve as a reference for follow-up research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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