


Display Configuration, Value, and Visiting Benefit of Tourism Factories: A Case Study of Three Pastry Museums




李君如(Chun-Ju Li)


展示構成 ; 價值 ; 偏最小平方法 ; display ; value ; partial least squares (PLS)




11卷1期(2015 / 04 / 01)


85 - 114






To assist traditional industries in facing the various challenges following the changes in industry economic structures, the government began promoting tourism development plans for the manufacturing industry in 2003 in an attempt to modify its profit model and improve its performance. For firms, in addition to obtaining direct income from touristification, determining how to use various hardware and software display methods to promote a sense of value and create product loyalty among tourists is a long-term goal that cannot be ignored. Therefore, this study surveyed tourists to evaluate the value and benefits from opening factories to tourist visitors. The survey questionnaire items were designed to measure the aspects of display configuration, and its influence on tourists' perceived value as well as the influence of value on visiting benefit. The survey was conducted in August 2013 at 3 pastry museums that had received awards for being excellent tourism factories. A total of 725 valid questionnaires were obtained. Partial least squares regression was used to confirm the reliability and validity of each dimension. Structural model analysis revealed that the experience design of display configuration exerted the greatest influence on value. Regarding the influence of value on visiting benefit, perceived value yielded the highest explanatory power, followed by satisfaction, museum loyalty, and product loyalty. The most powerful predictors of perceived value, satisfaction, museum loyalty, and product loyalty were functional value, epistemic value, functional value, and emotional value, respectively. In addition, the relationship among display configuration, value, and visiting benefit differed among the investigated tourism factories. The results of this study can provide a reference for firms to engage in continuous improvement to highlight their unique characteristics among their competitors and utilize their limited resources to create effective plans that increase their visiting benefit.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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