


A Case Study of Advertising Communication Effects to the Sponsorship of London Olympic Games




蕭至惠(Chih-Hui Hsiao)


廣告訊息涉入 ; 廣告溝通效果 ; 品牌認同 ; 行為意圖 ; 相依自我 ; advertising message involvement ; advertising communication effect ; brand identification ; behavioral intention ; interdependent self-construals




12卷1期(2016 / 04 / 01)


39 - 62




本文的研究目的係以acer 贊助2012 倫敦奧運賽事為例,針對438 位大學生為研究對象,以縱斷面研究概念,歷時一年多,前後共進行兩次正式施測,以探討廣告訊息涉入程度、廣告溝通效果、品牌認同、相依自我及消費者的行為意圖五個變數之間的關係。研究結果顯示:首先,相較於低涉入,廣告訊息高度涉入者會有較佳的廣告溝通效果與品牌認同;其次,廣告訊息涉入程度會藉由相依自我而分別正向影響廣告溝通效果與品牌認同;再者,廣告溝通效果與品牌認同分別正向影響消費者的行為意圖。最後,本文針對上述研究發現,提出研究意涵及後續研究之相關建議,預期本文發現贊助體育賽事真能為品牌帶來助益的實證結果,將可為實務界提供豐富的行銷意涵。


By taking the acer’s sponsorship of the London Olympic Games, the purpose of this study adopted 438 college students as experimental subjects. Based on longitudinal research, the study was carried out over one year including two surveys. And the study examined the effects of advertising message involvement, advertising communication effect, brand identification, independent self-construals, and behavioral intention. The results are as follow. First, high advertising message involvement as compared to low advertising message involvement makes consumers have better advertising communication effects and brand identification. Second, advertising message involvement has a positive effect on advertising communication effect and brand identification through interdependent self-construals. Third, advertising communication effect and brand identification have positive effects on consumers’ behavioral intentions. Finally, this study concluded that research implications and recommendations for further research. And we found the research findings of sponsorship of sport events do bring benefits to brand. The research findings will also serve practitioners with rich marketing implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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