


Get Inside the Game? The Influence of Engagement on Mental Simulations and Advertising Effect of Mobile Advergames




留淑芳(Shu-Fang Liu);許綺芬(Chi-Fen Hsu)


遊戲式廣告 ; 聯結程度 ; 心理模擬 ; advergames ; engagement ; mental simulations




12卷2期(2016 / 10 / 01)


85 - 117




智慧型手機的興起,行動行銷(Mobile Marketing)席捲全球,許多店家建立專屬品牌或產品的App,透過互動遊戲的方式將產品訊息傳達給消費者,稱為「遊戲式廣告」(Advergames),身歷其境的臨場感,讓消費者彷彿親身使用或消費該產品,這種消費者與科技載體間的互動,即為本研究所定義的聯結(Engagement)。過往以模擬對象為主題的相關研究,多著重於廣告文字表達或影像圖像視角,鮮少應用於遊戲式廣告中的人物角色模擬,本研究以心理學基礎認知理論(Grounded Cognition Theory)及自我參照理論(Self-reference Theory)為基礎,應用於遊戲式廣告聯結程度所引發的心理模擬(Mental Simulations)及廣告效果,以補足相關研究缺口。本研究透過情境模擬,設計2(遊戲式廣告聯結程度:高聯結/低聯結)×2(模擬對象:第一人稱/第三人稱)×2(先前產品消費經驗:有/ 無)共8 組實驗情境,以197位受測者進行實證。研究結果顯示:(1)高聯結遊戲式廣告有助於過程焦點心理模擬(ProcessorientedMental Simulations);低聯結則導致較多結果焦點心理模擬(Outcome-focused Mental Simulations);(2)使用第一人稱(FirstpersonPerspective)模擬對象能產生較佳的心理模擬;(3)聯結程度與模擬對象(Simulation Object)間存在交互作用,高聯結搭配第一人稱的遊戲式廣告效果最佳;(4)心理模擬乃聯結程度與模擬對象對廣告效果的中介變項;(5) 無先前產品消費經驗者,高聯結遊戲式廣告可提升心理模擬及廣告效果;模擬對象則不受先前產品消費經驗所干擾,研究結果可作為廣告實務策略制定參考。


Mobile marketing prevailed over the world because of the smart phone developing in recent years. Lots of stores owner designed exclusive brand and product's App to deliver information to customer by interacting in games, which was called mobile advergames. Getting inside the games makes user feels like that he is involving consumption and using the product. The interaction between consumer and technical carrier was defined as "engagement" in this study. Most of past studies on simulation object focused on word expression, image and picture of Ad copy, but few studies have dealt with the issues of the simulation of character role in advergames, which are even more dependent on the advertising effect of mobile advergames. This research based on grounded cognition theory and self-reference theory lied for mental simulations of causing by engagement degree of advergames and advertising effect to fill the gaps in existing researches. This study used a 2(engagement degree of advergames: high engagement / low engagement)2(simulation object: the first person perspective / the third person perspective)2(use experience: experienced users / novice) between-subject factorial design and 197 subjects are tested in the empirical process. The results of this study show below: (1) Advergames with high engagement will faciltate the process-oriented mental simulations, and low engagement advergames creates more outcome-focused mental simulations. (2) Utilizing simulation object of first-person perspective in advergames have better mental simulations than third-person perspective. (3) Interaction effect is significant between engagement degree and simulation object of advergames, and the effect is best when high engagement matches first-person perspective in mobile advergames. (4) Mental simulation represents a significant mediator with regard to advertising effect. (5) Advergames with high engagement degree that will facilitate mental simulation and advertising effect if consumers have no pre-experience with product but simulation object does not moderate the influence of engagement degree on mental simulations. Finally, the results can provide strategic establishment of advertising practice with reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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