


Exploration of the Relationship among Visitor Value, Satisfaction, Loyalty and City Image in Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival: Taking Visitor Experience and Residences as Moderating Roles




李君如(Chun-Ju Li)


節慶 ; 價值 ; 結構方程模式 ; festival ; value ; structural equation modeling(SEM)




13卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


1 - 30




在公私部門的多重期待下,節慶活動日益蓬勃,然而能否達到吸引遊客、創造商機、永續發展等目標,遊客的感受則是關鍵要素。2011 年後的台中國際花毯節複合已有盛名的新社花海節共同舉行,2013 年以愛遊花境為主題,2014 年則主打心動台中,顯示出希望藉由節慶展現地方風華、產業特色,以達城市行銷之意圖。本研究以此兩年的活動為主體,探討遊客價值對滿意度、忠誠度及城市意象的影響,並分析市民與外來遊客、初遊與重遊者是否在相關研究變項及變項間的關係模式上具有差異。首先,以2 年資料為基礎建構與驗證的遊客價值量表具有良好配適指標並通過交叉效度之檢定;其次,探討遊客屬性是否會有影響,結果顯示活動對城市意象的提升,居民顯著較外地者更為認同;再者,嘗新價值對於滿意度與忠誠度具有顯著影響,價值對城市意象的影響則因年度差異而有別。最後,遊客價值與滿意度、忠誠度之結構模式會因年度別、參觀次數而有顯著差異。


Derived from the expectations of both the public and private sectors, festival events have become increasingly popular. However, tourist perceptions are a key determinant of attracting tourists, creating business opportunities, and achieving sustainable development. Since 2011, the Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival was held jointly with the renowned Sea of flowers in Xinshe. In 2013, the festival theme was "Roaming the Flower Realm With Love," whereas in 2014, the main theme was "Heart Touching Taichung." These themes exhibited the attempt of organizers to market a city by holding festivals, in which local attractions and industrial characteristics were displayed. This study mainly focused on the activities held in 2013 and 2014 to discuss the effects of tourist value on tourist satisfaction, loyalty, and city image. In addition, this study compared local citizens and visiting tourists as well as first-time and multiple-time visitors to analyze any differences regarding the relationship among related research variables. A tourist value scale was developed and verified on the basis of statistical data obtained from the 2013 and 2014 events. This scale exhibited satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices and passed a cross validity test. In relation to tourist attributes, the results revealed that compared with visiting tourists, resident tourists more strongly identified with the influence of activities on enhancing city image. In addition, epistemic value significantly influenced satisfaction and loyalty. The effects of value on city image varied according to the year. Finally, the structural model of tourist value and satisfaction and loyalty varied significantly according to the year and number of visits.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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