


Exploring the Effective Persuasive Strategy of Resisting Product: The Adult Health Checkup




鐘文(Wen Chung);田寒光(Han-Kuang Tien)


自我健康管理 ; 認知需求 ; 角色轉移理論 ; heathy self-efficacy ; role transportation theory ; need for cognition




14卷1期(2018 / 04 / 01)


1 - 22




本研究主要以角色轉移理論為基礎,並以成人健康檢查為例。成人健康檢查廣告影片加入角色轉移理論,引導觀看者與角色之間的情感轉移,來提高健康預防行為之影響,並進一步檢驗自我健康管理及認知需求的高低是否會影響觀看者於廣告中角色轉移的程度。本研究採用便利抽樣法,募集45歲以上的受試者(N = 142)分別觀看成人健康檢查相關的廣告,影片分為有、無敘事角色轉移理論,並採用T檢定來驗證研究假說。結果發現,廣告中加入角色轉移理論對於之後的健康預防行為有正向的影響,角色轉移影片確實讓觀看者的情感與廣告中的角色做連結,進而提高說服力。另一個結果發現,自我健康管理程度越高,代表影響健康預防行為越正向。因此,自我健康管理程度越者,透過角色轉移廣告,更能影響其健康預防行為。


This study is mainly based on the Theory of Role Transportation, and to use adult health examination as an example. In order to improve Health Prevention Behavior (HPB), Adult Health-Checkup advertising film joins Role Transportation Theory to guide the emotional transfer between the viewer and the role. Furthermore, advertiser would examine whether the level of self-efficacy and cognitive needs will affect the role transfer of viewers in advertising. In this study, we used the convenience sampling method to recruit participants whose over 45 years old (N = 142) to observe the adult health-check advertisements. The films were separated into two treatments: narrative and role transportation. Both use T-test to verify the hypothesis. Finally, the conclusion was found that the Role Transportation Theory which had a positive effect to advertising on subsequent HPB. Indeed, the Role Transportation Theory does make the viewer's emotions link with the role who's in the advertising, and then enhance persuasion. In addition, the high self-efficacy participants had more positive influence on the HPB by the Role Transportation Theory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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