


The Effects of Experience Marketing, Brand Equity of the Virtual and Physical Channel on the Loyalty of Mobile Banking




廖采如(Tsai-Ju Liao);李欣樺(Xin-Hua Li);李宛庭(Wan-Ting Li);游雅雯(Ya-Wen You)


行動網銀 ; 品牌權益 ; 虛實整合 ; 體驗行銷 ; mobile banking ; brand equity ; virtual and physical channels ; experience marketing




14卷2期(2018 / 10 / 01)


123 - 152






Facing dramatic competition among mobile banking, how to improve customer loyalty to a focal mobile banking has become a critical issue. Most studies using the technology acceptance model (TAM) have suggested that the perceived usefulness and ease of use determine intention toward using mobile banking. While these functional utilities are important, bankers require establishing brand equity to create irreplaceable competitiveness. Given the facts that most bankers adopt multiple channel strategies, how to manage the brand equity of virtual channels and that of physical channels becomes a challenge. Further, while several studies have highlighted product characteristics to enhance brand equity, recent research has turned to stress on experience marketing. This study integrates TAM, brand equity and experience marketing perspectives and found that: (1) the brand equity of physical banking serves to improve the brand equity of mobile banking and perceived ease of use; (2) the brand equity of mobile banking positively affect perceived usefulness and ease of use; (3) sense-experience marketing is likely to improve perceived usefulness, ease of use, the brand equity of mobile banking and physical banking, attitudes toward using mobile banking as well as loyalty; (4) think-experience marketing would likely raise the brand equity of mobile banking and physical banking, as well as attitudes toward using mobile banking; (5) attitudes toward using mobile banking is likely to mediate the relationship between perceived usefulness, the ease of use, and loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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