


The Study of Relationship Marketing and Correspondent Bank Loyalty - Internal-External Locus of Control as Moderating Variable




楊台寧(Tai-Ning Yang);陳曉天(Sheau-Tien Chen);林詩雲(Shih-Yun Lin)


關係行銷 ; 忠誠度 ; 人格特質 ; 內外控人格特質 ; 往來銀行 ; relationship marketing ; loyalty ; personality ; internal-external locus of control ; correspondent banks




14卷2期(2018 / 10 / 01)


153 - 171






After the financial reform in Taiwan, since local banks confront globalized competition in the financial industry, they pressingly need to develop methods to retain quality customers in order to protect and expand the niche market. For these banks, preserving business ties is an important form of relationship marketing. Relevant to decision-making patterns, personality characteristics are critical aspects affecting decision-maker's behaviors. Therefore, this research determines the effects of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financial decision-makers' personality characteristics on their loyalty to correspondent banks. This research applies questionnaire as the method to collect data, and uses Pearson's r as the primary analytic method. The results are as follows. Relationship marketing and loyalty have positive correlation, and SMEs financial decision-makers' personality characteristics have significant moderation effect on the relationship between relationship marketing and loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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