


Explore the Pain of Paying in Different Payment Ways




王仁宏(Jen-Hung Wang);李浩(Hao Li)


移動支付 ; 現金支付 ; 信用卡支付 ; 消費痛感 ; 實驗設計法 ; Mobile Payment ; Cash Payment ; Credit Card Payment ; Pain of Paying ; Experimental Design Method




16卷2期(2020 / 10 / 01)


105 - 135




本研究旨在透過實驗設計法探討不同支付方式中之消費痛感,並以位於中國之華中科技大學、鄭州大學與吉林大學為研究範圍,且其在校大學生為研究對象。於此次抽樣中,共發出2,880份問卷,有效問卷為1,547份,有效回收率為53.7%,並運用SPSS 24進行簡單效果檢驗。研究結果發現:(1)使用移動支付、現金支付與信用卡支付時,心理情境、物品類別與性格皆分別對消費痛感達顯著影響;(2)使用移動支付、現金支付與信用卡支付時,「心理情境與性格」和「心理情境與物品類別」之交互效用皆分別對消費痛感未達顯著影響;(3)使用移動支付與現金支付時,「性格與物品類別」之交互效用對消費痛感達顯著影響,而使用信用卡支付時,則未達顯著影響;(4)使用移動支付、現金支付、信用卡支付時,「心理情境、性格與物品類別」之交互效用對消費痛感未達顯著影響;(5)消費痛感之排序為:以現金支付最高,信用卡次之,而移動支付最低。


The main purpose of this study is to explore the pain of paying in different payment ways by Experimental Design Method. The scope of this study is Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou University, and Jilin University, and their undergraduate students are the research objects. In this sampling, a total of 2,880 questionnaires were sent, 1,547 were valid, the valid retrieved rate was 53.7%, and SPSS 24 was used to analyze the simple effect test. The results reveal that: (1) When using the mobile payment, the cash payment, and the credit card payment, the psychological situation, the category of goods, and the personality all have a significant effect on pain of paying; (2) When using the mobile payment, the cash payment, and the credit card payment, the interaction effect of "psychological situation × personality" and "psychological situation × category of goods" both have no significant effect on pain of paying; (3) When using the mobile payment and the cash payment, the interaction effect of "personality × category of goods" has a significant effect on pain of paying, but not significant in the credit card payment; (4) When using the mobile payment, the cash payment, and the credit card payment, the interaction effect of "psychological situation × personality × category of goods" has no significant effect on pain of paying; (5) The pain of paying from the lowest to the highest is the mobile payment, the credit card payment, and the cash payment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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