


Factors Influencing Word-of-Mouth Intention for Undergraduate Students




顏永森(Yung-Shen Yen)


口碑意願 ; 大學聲譽 ; 師生關係 ; 教學品質 ; Word-of-mouth intention ; University reputation ; Teacher-student relationship ; Teaching quality




17卷1期(2021 / 04 / 01)


21 - 43






This study aims to explore the factors influencing word-of-mouth intention for undergraduate students. We examined the impacts of university reputation, teacher-student relationship and teaching quality on word-of-mouth intention. Satisfaction and identification acted as two mediators in the model. We also tested the moderating effect of commitment on the relationships of the model. An online survey was conducted and 218 undergraduate students were investigated. Structure equation modeling was conducted to test the hypotheses. The findings show that university reputation and teaching quality are the main factors influencing word-of-mouth intention. The mediating effects of satisfaction and identification and the moderating effect of commitment both are significant in the model. Students with high level of commitment have higher impacts on word-of-mouth intention through identification, while students with low level of commitment have higher impacts on the intention through satisfaction. The contribution of the study is two-fold. The first is to extend the extant knowledge of word-of-mouth theory in the context of higher education; the second is to provide the strategy of recruiting students for universities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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