


A Study on the Cloud Service Model in Mind Health Industry




田寒光(Han-Kuang Tien);周建亨(Chien-Heng Chou);鄧碧玉(Pi-Yu Teng)


心靈健康 ; 創新服務 ; 雲端科技 ; 雲端共禱 ; mind health ; innovation service ; cloud technology ; cloud collective prayer




17卷2期(2021 / 10 / 01)


155 - 174






Mind health services are the primary need of modern man, and the cloud network is an indispensable tool for modern man's daily life even more. The present study integrates cloud technology and mind health services to explore the service model for innovative mind health. The study was conducted using a qualitative research method and semi-structured interviews to collect data from experts and cases. Through data analysis, the supply-demand structure of mind health services was summarized and the innovative services with "cloud collective prayer" as the core concept were extracted. The three-stage functions of the central concept of mind health cloud services were dug up to construct a virtual community support system, create positive thinking patterns, and promote spiritual health. Based on the supply-demand structure and its functionality, we have developed a model that can provide real-time, continuous, positive, and supportive mind health care by integrating literature theory and mutual citations. Simultaneously, the platform can be expanded to serve more people in need of mind health services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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