


A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Pneumoconiosis


彭婉琳(Wan-Lin Peng);吳曉芬(Hsiao-Fen Wu);林錦穗(Chin-Sui Lin)


塵肺症 ; 氣體交換障礙 ; 活動無耐力 ; Pneumoconiosis ; impaired gas exchange ; Activity intolerance




16卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


30 - 40




本文係探討一位塵肺症個案,於住院初期因呼吸喘的症狀嚴重,出現對治療沒有信心的情形,甚至拒絕配合醫療相關之處置,故筆者於2014 年2 月27 日~2014 年3 月10 日照護期間,依羅氏適應模式為評估架構,藉由會談、觀察及身體評估等方法收集資料,確立個案的健康問題,包括:氣體交換障礙、活動無耐力、焦慮。護理過程中除運用主動關懷、傾聽及陪伴,提供個案身、心、靈的照護外,還包括:教導噘嘴式呼吸、適當活動來幫助個案增加身體氧合功能;並教導省力技巧,讓個案減輕日常生活時之耗氧量;設計運動計畫,以增加個案之肌肉力量;鼓勵個案表達對疾病的感受,並透過醫護人員清楚解釋疾病的預後及照護目標,以增強個案正向信心;減輕個案之生理症狀及心理之壓力,並能共同參與未來生活規劃。期望藉此經驗分享,提供護理人員日後照護相關塵肺症個案之參考。


This article described the nursing experience of caring for a patient with pneumoconiosis who presented with severe dyspnea, showed no hope on treatment and refused medical intervention at the early stage of hospitalization from 27th February to 10th March in 2014. Based on interviews, observations, physical evaluation and Roy’s Adaptation Model Assessment, the author identified that the patient suffered from impaired gas exchange, activity intolerance and anxiety. During the nursing process, the author took a holistic body-mind-spirit approach and provided the patient with active caring, attentive listening and companionship. The patient was instructed in pursed-lip breathing techniques and maintaining adequate physical activity to improve body oxygenation; strength saving movement skills to decrease oxygen consumption in performing daily activity; and tailor made exercise program to enhance muscular strength. The patient was encouraged to express feelings and had the health care professionals explaining about the prognosis of the disease and the goal for nursing care to enhance positive thinking, alleviate the symptoms and pressure, and allow the patient to be able to participate in future planning. This nursing experience may provide a clinical reference in caring for cases of pneumoconiosis in the future.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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