


The Application of A Horticultural Therapy Intervention among the Elderly in Taiwan: A Systematic Review


陳美芳(Mei-Fang Chen);蔡俊欽(Chun-Chin Tsai);陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan Chen)


系統性文獻回顧 ; 老人 ; 園藝治療 ; 介入 ; 臺灣 ; systematic review ; elderly ; horticultural therapy ; intervention ; Taiwan




18卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


12 - 31




世界人口老化,為促進老年人的健康, 發展園藝治療之介入活動是有必要的。本文目的為以系統性文獻回顧法,分析園藝治療對臺灣老年人的應用。以Horticultural Therapy、garden、園藝治療為關鍵字,搜尋臺灣期刊論文索引系統等6個中英文資料庫。經收案與排除條件審核後,共17篇文章符合篩選標準並加以分析討論。結果發現園藝治療內容包括:學習植物栽種過程、融入視覺、聽覺、觸覺、味覺及嗅覺的活動設計、運用老人過去種植或孰悉植物的經驗,引導老人懷舊回憶、與節慶活動連結、融入生命教育與發揮植物健康促進功能等。園藝治療成效包括:生理、認知、心靈、社會及行為層面,以探討生理促進/知覺、認知、心理健康、憂鬱、社交變項最常見,且大部分的研究顯示有改善。本文可提供未來老年人之臨床照護與研究方向的參考。


As the world's population ages, it is necessary to develop horticultural therapy interventions to promote the health of the elderly. The purpose of this article is to review a horticultural therapy intervention among the elderly people in Taiwan. Using the keywords of horticultural therapy, garden and horticulture, the literature search included six databases in either Chinese or English, including PerioPath: Index to Chinese Periodical Literature System, etc. Seventeen studies that met the inclusion criteria for this study were reviewed. The results showed that the content of horticultural therapy were included learning plant planting process, integrating sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell into activity design, using the past planting experience of elderly to guide them good memories, arranging activities in festivals, linking plant into the life education and developing health promotion function of plants. The effectiveness of horticulture therapy can include physical, cognitive, psychosocial and behavioral outcomes. Most studies explore the physiological promotion and perception, cognition, mental health, depression, social variables and found to have a positive improvement. This article could be a reference in clinical practice and future research directions in the elderly.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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