


Intelligent Safety Vehicle Anti-collision System




麥毅廷(Yi-Ting Mai);陳振庸(Jeng-Yueng Chen);陳怡伸(I-Shen Chen);楊大威(Da-Wei Yang);高資淵(Zi-Yuan Gao);紀佳瑋(Jia-Wei Chi)


車載資通訊 ; 車載網路 ; 行車安全 ; 車間通訊 ; Telematics ; Vehicle ; VANET ; Driving Safety ; V2V




22期(2011 / 03 / 01)


135 - 152




隨著科技的進步,車輛也可以結合資訊科技成為智慧型車輛,而行車駕駛安全(Driving Safety)是駕駛者最重視且期待的,行進中車輛如果能夠在交通事故發生前即有預警告給駕駛者,使駕駛者可以提早反應;或是直接讓車子自行作緊急處理如自動減速或是煞車之動作,藉此可以有效避免行車事故的發生。為了能有效發出碰撞預警及車輛自動處理機制,本研究希望設計並實做一系統,稱為智慧型行車防撞安全系統(Intelligent Safety Vehicle Anti-collision System, ISVAS),能有效的在碰撞發生時即發出警示訊息通知附近的車輛,可以不必等到駕駛者來處理,這樣可以有效提昇安全性。ISVAS系統的目標將利用車載資通訊(Telematics)中的車間通訊方式(Vehicle To Vehicle, V2V)的概念,讓車輛週期性的廣播本身的相關資訊,例如位置資訊(Location Information)、速率(Velocity)等等,使行進中之車輛能交換彼此的相關資訊,而當事故發生時,其他車輛一旦收到事故的訊息就可以加以閃避或是作進一步的處理,將可以有效防範未來。目前本篇論文將以簡單的智慧型機器車來模擬車輛,並在各車上安裝無線ZigBee介面,而目前初步的成果是透過簡單的V2V溝通,當發生事故時,將緊急訊息通知其它車輛,透過ZigBee來相互通訊及溝通以實現我們初步提出的ISVAS智慧型行車防撞安全系統。


Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications are enabling technologies for vehicles to cooperative driving for enhanced traffic safety and efficiency. V2V communications refer to communications between road vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) without involving a central control unit. Early warning is crucial for safety-related V2V applications. To achieve safety driving, the Intelligent Safety Vehicle Anti-collision System (ISVAS) is proposed. Our proposed intelligent system will send the warning message immediately after there are car accidents occurring. According to V2V communications, the other cars could have enough time to avoid car accident and make an appropriate decision such as slow down, stop, and detour after receiving the warning messages. To achieve our proposed ISVAS system, the robot vehicles have been designed to simulate vehicles on the road. Besides, vehicles also apply ZigBee wireless interface to communicate with each other. The experiment has demonstrated our proposed intelligent system can provide safety driving for vehicles when cars accident occurred.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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