In "Silence: A Fable," the Demon, similar to most of Poe's characters, refused to communicate but aspired for singular attention upon him. However, a myriad of species and plants are listed in "Silence: A Fable" as if to make an eco-circle as a contrast of the lonely Demon. The Demon did not acquire the tentative focus and thus this fable distinguishes itself in its "rounding narrative without essentializing the idea of self" (Cheney 339). Cheney in his "Postmodern Environmental Ethics: Ethics as Bioregional Narrative" dubs the discourse with the term, "bioregional narrative." Based on Cheney's bioregional narrative and development, this paper intends to explore Poe's eco-systematical depiction and bioregional perspective to see how the postmodern bioregional narrative is applicable in the interpretation of an American Romanticist, Poe's works.
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