


Gender Role, Money Attitude and Financial Behavior-A Case Study of HUST


王芳醴(Fang-Li Wang);張燦明(Tsan-Ming Chan);李玫憲(Mei-Hsien Lee)


性別角色 ; 金錢態度 ; 理財行為 ; gender role ; money attitude ; financial behavior




31期(2015 / 10 / 01)


135 - 156






Correlations among gender, attitude towards money and financial behavior in Taiwan have rarely been taken into scholarly discussion. Motivated by the concept of gender equality and promoted by epistemological need, this paper took Hsiuping University of Science and Technology (HUST), Taichung Province, Taiwan, as a case study, seeking to explore, first, the different gender attitude towards money (money attitude) and their financial behavior, and second, the correlations between money attitude and financial behavior. Methodologically, a systemic sampling was taken between April and May, 2014, with 325 valid questionnaires collected. This was followed by a multiple regression analysis, assisted by a design of four facets of money attitude and two facets of financial behavior, aimed at better understanding of their correlations. The findings could be summarized as follows. To begin with, there was no significant difference between male and female in their correlations with money attitude, financial behavior and their self-awareness of gender roles. Respondents with feminine tendencies showed a significant degree of correlation with "anxiety", "retention-time" and "distrust", three of the facets of money attitude. A similar level of significance also applied to the correlation between the above respondents and "financial planning", one of the two facets in financial behavior. Respondents identifying themselves as "feminine" and "neutral" tended to emphasize the importance of financial behavior. In short, for "masculine" students, there is no significant correlation both in terms of money attitude and financial behavior. Instead, "feminine" students fairly value money attitude and financial behavior. What was also worth attention here was that firstly there was a higher degree of significance in financial behavior shown in those from the School of Engineering, of Humanities and Creativity than those from School of Management. Also, mature students tended to have a higher degree of significance in their attitude towards "rights and fame" when it came to money attitude. With respect to the analysis of the four facets, it was found that "anxiety", "retention-time" and "distrust" left significant degrees of impact on "financial management" facet. "Retention-time" and "distrust" on the other hand caused significant degrees of impact on "financial planning". This paper therefore concluded that, with respect of money attitude, "retention-time" and "distrust" might be two significant variables for college students to take financial planning and financial management seriously.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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