


The Cognition and Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health in Universities and Colleges


陳建榮(Jiann-Rong Chen);林訓正(Hsun-Cheng Lin);張燦明(Tsan-Ming Chang);林泓賓(Hong-Bin Lin)


職業安全衛生法 ; 安全衛生管理 ; 問卷調查 ; Law of Occupational Safety and Health ; Management of Safety and Health ; Questionnaire Survey




32期(2016 / 03 / 01)


85 - 113




任何職業都有潛在的危險性,即使在大專院校內,學生所需的教育訓練與研發等各類實驗室也不例外,處處陪藏著與安全衛生攸關之風險。若能確實檢討校園安全衛生管理體系使其有效率運作,提早發現缺失予以矯正,或事先採取防範措施,那事故發生之機率將降至最低。近年來各大專院校配台政策執行職業安全衛生法(以下簡稱職安法),大部分學校皆已建立與職安法有闋的行政制度,但對職業安全衛生之認知與執行成效卻又是如何呢?這是值得探討的主題。為了探討各大專院校環安衛人員對職安法與制度之認知,以及各大專院校職安法之實施與落實程度,本研究參考現行適用法規與文獻,及學校應遵守之規範研擬訂定問卷,調查學校認知與執行之42問項以統計軟體SPSS作描述性統計及卡方等分析以間有助於職安衛之執行。參考教育部大專校院環境安全衛生中心主管聯席會議名冊,以問卷調查的方式,探討其對職業安全衛生之認知與執行成效之研究。本研究以郵寄或親訪送達方式至各校環安衛中心與工學院,總共發出93份問卷,經刪除無效問卷後,有效問卷為73所大專院校,回收率7 8 . 5 %。信度分析乃就第二部分執行現況b11-b34單選項目,分析其Cronbach's α條數為0.928。然後以交叉表分析基本資料、執行現況與認知,相互間之關聯性,而關鍵問項則進行費雪精確性檢定(Fisher exact test)。調查結果顯示大專校院為了配台職安法,已有百分比佔87.7%設置置勞工安衛生管理委員會,受訪學校百分比佔83.6%擁有勞工安全衛生相關業務人員。且定期間為員會者達93.7%。無論在職業安全衛生之政策,或是人員與組織之設立,皆能符台政府法規的要求,但在職業安全衛生管理法規之認知與實施方面,受訪學校六成沒通過任何驗證,僅有17所23.3%對於職業安全衛生管理法規完全瞭解,卻仍有持續改善之空間。最後本研究建議主管機關宜就各大專院校不同層級與不同屬性,擬訂定和理監督檢查之安全衛生管理法規,以期學校安全衛生工作易於落實。並實施獎勵示範觀摩學校以帶動重是職業安全衛生之風氣,做為提升校園安全衛生之參考,並期減少校園安全衛生事故之發生。


Most occupations include, or may conceal, potential crises, the various types of employment or participation in schools included. Students and staff working in a laboratory or simulated factory could potentially be involved with danger, basically caused by unsafe surroundings and/or unsafe behaviors. It is any school's responsibility, having the overall supervision of occupational health and safety therein, to have good management protocols in place to prevent crisis. In the last decade, many universities and colleges have increased implementation of practices under laws related to occupational health and safety as, despite changes in their status, these schools should still conform to the requirements of the law. This investigation focused on the cognition and implementation of occupational health and safety practices in 93 colleges and universities. Questionnaires were sent to faculty in each school's department of occupational health and safety by mail, or the schools were visited in person. Accordingly, the purposes of this research were: To investigate the current cognition and implementation of occupational health and safety from several colleges and universities; and to provide references and suggestions for organization and management of Occupational Health and Safety practices for the future. There are 42 questionnaires measured by statistical package for the social science that frequencies and statistics were provided, with the overall hope of benefit for the occupational safety and health practices therein. This was done through statistical analysis of the effective questionnaires returned from 73 universities and colleges, the rate of feedback was 78.5%, Reliability analysis on the second part of implementation of b11-b34 each multiple-choice question analyzed which coefficient of Cronbach's α was 0.928. Then a cross-table analysis basic information, the status of implementation and cognition, the correlation between each other, and the key entry is performed by Fisher accuracy test (Fisher exact test). The results showed that hardware and organization have seen much improvement, but the cognition and implementation of occupational safety and health have several pending problems.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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