


A Field Survey on "Red and Blue Lines of Tu-Niu Boundary" in Taiwan the Qing Dynasty: Taking "Huzikeng" and "Wantan" of Mingjian Township for Area


曾嚴奭(Yan-Shi Zeng)


民番界址 ; 土牛紅藍線 ; 南投市與名間鄉 ; Red and Blue Lines of Tu-Niu ; National Boundary between Han People and Indigenous Peoples in the Qing Dynasty ; Mingjian Township ; Nantou County ; Huzikeng and Wantan




35期(2017 / 09 / 01)


27 - 62






In general concept about Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, it is usually suggested that the Qing Empire owned the "entire Taiwan" in the beginning. However, the "Taiwan Atlas of Red and Blue Lines of Tu-Niu Boundary between Han People and Indigenous Peoples" of the Qianlong Emperor in the Qing reveals a historical fact -the Taiwan actually owned by the Qing Empire was approximately "a half of Taiwan" in the western Taiwan. The Taiwan in the east of Central Mountains was "overseas," and was called "outer fringes of civilization" by the Qing Empire. In order to mark the controlled area in Taiwan, the Qing Empire "drew the boundary" from the north to the south on the "Taiwan Atlas" and used "blue line" to represent the new boundary and red line to represent the old boundary. The "parallel or overlapped parts" of red and blue lines represent the unchanged boundary, enabling local officials to be aware of the specific range of the Empire and avoid any head-on collision against indigenous peoples. Past studies have obtained specific research results about the process of transfer of land rights between indigenous peoples and Han people, as well as the discourses about territory of entire Taiwan. However, there has not been any "field survey on current status" of "national boundary of the Qing Empire" of "specific section -Huzikeng and Wantan in Mingjian Township." To compare the ancient and modern locations of this area, this study conducted a field survey, compared ancient and modern atlases, ancient literature, and ancient documents, interviewed relevant local intellectuals and the elderly, searched relevant matters, and completed the on-site inspection on current status, in order to extend the results and discourses of past studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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