


Images of Women's Life in Ballads of Tainan Su-an Example of 1931's Ballads Documented by the Taiwan Sinmin Daily


楊克隆(Ke-Lung Yang)


臺南州 ; 歌謠 ; 女性 ; 生活 ; 臺灣新民報 ; Tainan su ; Ballad ; The female sex ; Life ; Taiwan sinmin daily




36期(2018 / 03 / 01)


101 - 126






Songs, being close to the unsounded voices of lower strata of commoners, not only are the "living fossil" that gives insight into folk perspectives of life and are materials to shape history of folk life with, but also contain the outcry directly from the deep of the heart of the "quiet" public in a people. While representing customary cultures and spiritual life of a region or a people, songs also are the important historic material indispensable for rebuilding history in width. Women in patriarchal society of Taiwan were low in status of gender, often being reified as accessory to the male. They were controlled by the patriarchal systems of various kinds, given no status in historic literature; they were of the "silent" gender in social participation and operation of family rights. In such context, women's songs, by straight expression or by simulating women's mind, display sexually unreasonable things in the patriarchal society with music and lyrics, expressing women's sentiment and recording their depression. An analysis or research in Taiwanese women's songs could look into the sexual dogma and the patterns of interactions between men and women in the traditional patriarchal society, and make up to the omissions and deficiency of writing in old documents and literature about tradition women, too. In this paper, we attempt to analyze the lyrics and connotation of songs of Tainan Su and make reference to old documents, literature and documented proverbs. By the research method of testifying songs and history, and comparing songs and proverbs, we explore women's life reflected by the text of song lyrics in two topics: patriarchal marriage arrangement and marital family life, to represent the images of life of women in Tainan Su and to uncover the veil of their mind in a patriarchal society.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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