


Exploring the Painting Philosophy of "Shape" and "Reason" and "Soul" in Su-Shih Poems


江美玲(Meei-Ling Jiang)


蘇軾 ; 詩文 ; 「形」「理」「神」 ; 繪畫思想 ; Su-Shih ; Poems ; "Shape" and "Reason" and "Soul" ; The painting philosophy




36期(2018 / 03 / 01)


77 - 100






Based on the painting philosophy of Su-Shih collections of literary works and his commentaries in paint, and continue to explore On the Spirit of Painting in Su-Shih Poems: Take "Bamboo" as an Example, and then in-depth exploration of the Painting philosophy of "Shape" and "Reason" and "Soul" in Su-Shih Poems, this study inquires its spiritual connotation, the contribution and influence of the development of " Song's painting style". It discusses the artistic nature to reveal the value in Chinese art history. The conclusion is that the Song's paintings had created the esthetic concept after the universal ordinary rules were found, and Su-Shih searched for the truth by meditation and setting the esthetic standard in the painting philosophy by character, aspiration, and disposition, etc. It explores that Su-Shih with the philosophy of the "key points" means to catch the "Soul" form its nature after careful observation. There are no constraints on the artists' handpainting even though there is the influence of the shape of the object on his/her mind, and emphasizes the development of the elegant disposition in the painting. In order to achieve the lifelike painting works of "being plain on outlooking but perfect in reality". It explores that Su-Shih with the philosophy of the painting led the "literati style" to be prosperous.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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