


The Study on Developments in the Japanese Business Service Industry: Concurrently Discuss the Characteristics of Employment


黃義銓(Yi-Chuan Huang)


商業服務業 ; 科技化服務 ; SWOT分析 ; 國際化 ; 勞動保護 ; Service business industry ; Information technology-enabled service ; SWOT Analysis ; Internationalization ; Labor protection




44期(2022 / 03 / 01)


23 - 48






In this study, a SWOT analysis was conducted to analyze the nature of various sectors of the business service industry in Japan and the issues facing the industry as it responds to changes in the external environment. The analysis yielded internal weaknesses and external threats. The internal weaknesses revealed a wide gap between the industry's productivity and the scale of businesses, slow progress in overseas expansion, labor shortage due to high employee turnover rate, and an increasingly aging population. The external threats included the shrinking domestic demand due to declining population, characteristically high homogeneity within the domestic and foreign service industry, and intense price competition against foreign businesses. Looking broadly at the issues facing the Japanese business service industry-as well as those facing its Taiwanese equivalent-one may conclude that it is imperative for both to improve worker productivity and work conditions. Therefore, this study began with a secondary data analysis to explore the current situation in the Japanese business service industry and the discussion of the employment characteristics of the industry based on its developments. A SWOT analysis was subsequently performed on the issues facing the Japanese business service industry. The results were summarized to exhibit the strategies that the industry has adopted to develop sustainably and three suggestions for the development of business service industry policy in Taiwan: (a) learn from the manner in which the Japanese service industry is being "internationalized" and promoting "technology-enabled services"; (b) deploy technologies as quickly as possible and work with the Japanese service organizations to expand abroad; and (c) learn from the talent cultivation and work protection policies that the Japanese business service industry executes as it evolves over time.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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