This study aims at understanding whether the teacher efficacy of performing learner-centered teaching was affected by teacher beliefs and school structure at the Institute of Technology in Taiwan, simultaneously, and whether teacher beliefs also was affected by school structure. The researchers invited teachers from fifteen Institutes of Technology in central Taiwan to serve as questionnaire's subjects. The researchers utilized ”Teacher Beliefs Scale,” ”School Structures Scale,” and ”Teacher Efficacy Scale” to explore the correction among three scales regarding the performance of Learner-Centered Teaching. Meanwhile, the collected data were analyzed using instruments of LISREL-a analyzed tool to measure the significance of the correction. The results showed a significant positive relationship between school structures and teacher efficacy, school structures and teacher beliefs, teacher beliefs and teacher efficacy. The five measurable factors of school structures all showed the middle explanatory power for the two exogenous latent variables of teacher beliefs and efficacy. And the three measure factors of teacher beliefs showed the certainal explanatory power for the exogenous latent variable of teacher efficacy. Teacher efficacy was mainly affected by teacher beliefs and school structures, furthermore the results achieved a positive correlation. The others, the three latent variables between school structures and teacher beliefs, school structures and teacher efficacy, teache beliefs and teacher efficacy all achieved statistic significant positive correlation. The result provide evidence to support that the model and observed variables have a middle degree of goodness of fit statistic. The explanatory power reached a degree of 59%(R^2=0.59) between the latent variables of school structures and teacher efficacy of performing learner-centered teaching; The explanatory power reached a degree of 51%(R^2=0.51) between the latent variables of school structures and teacher beliefs of performing learner-centered teaching; and the explanatory power also reached a degree of 31%(R^2 =0.31) between the latent variables of teacher beliefs and teacher efficacy of performing learner-centered teaching;
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