
日本式企業經營論之比較研究-以間 宏教授及津田 真澂教授之理論為中心


Comparison Research on the Hiroshi HAZAMA'S & Masumi TSUDA'S Theories of Japanese Business Management




曾興發(Shin-Fa Tseng)


日本式企業經營 ; 經營家族主義 ; 經營福祉主義 ; 集團主義 ; 共同生活體 ; Japanese business management ; The principle of family management ; The principle of welfare management ; collectivism ; community life




457期(2007 / 09 / 01)


59 - 76




約莫50年前,美國之社會學者James C. Abegglen既已指出終身雇用制、年功序列制及企業別工會為日本式企業經營之三種神器。此三種神器確實對戰後之日本經濟影響深遠,貢獻甚多。 本論主不僅研究日本式企業經營論之著名學者早稻田大學之間 宏教授及一橋大學之津田 真澂教授兩學者之理論,同時進行比較分析。 間 宏教授指出,戰前之「經營家族主義」及戰後依「經營家族主義」理念重新整編而成之「經營福祉主義」,以及通歷史要素之「集團主義」和日本之勞資關係之核心之「企業共同生活體」等之概念為其理論中心。 津田 真澂教授之日本式企業經營論經由「日本式企業經營及集團主義」→「日本式企業經營及生活共同體」→「日本式企業經營及共同生活體」之三階段演變,最後提出「共同生活體」之概念為日本式企業經營之特質所在。提出日本式企業經營之特質為「共同生活體」之津田教授,認為日本之社會為「集團主義」,而歐美之社會為「個人主義」。 津田 真澂教授對於戰前、戰後之日本式企業經營之理論說明,認為戰前及戰後之經營理念則分局為「經營家族主義」及「命運共同體」。同時提出貫通日本式企業經營之最基本原理,乃為教授所指出之「集團主義」及「共同生活體」,並運用此概念,強調日本式企業經營之特質。


U.S. Sociologist James C. Abegglen wrote about 50 years ago that lifetime employment, the seniority system and company unions are the three distinctive features of Japanese business. The three principles cited by Abegglen actually played a major part in the miraculous rehabilitation of the Japanese economy from the ruins of the war. This article doesn't only introduce Japanese scholar Hiroshi HAZAMA'S & Masumi TSUDA'S theories of Japanese business management, but also do comparison research on these two Japanese scholar's theories. Professor HAZAMA has pointed out that before World WarⅡ the Japanese Principle of Family Management was used. After World WarⅡ it changed to the Principle of Welfare Management. He suggested that the Enterprise Community and Collectivism were the key elements before and after the war. Professor TSUDA has presented his own Japanese business Management theory by the three processes as Japanese business management and collectivism, Japanese business management and community life, and Japanese business management and enterprise community. Finally, he used enterprise community to explain and describe the Japanese business management. He also pointed out that the American community is individualism, but Japanese community is Collectivism. Professor TSUDA'S Japanese business management theory has pointed out that before World WarⅡ the Japanese principle of family management was used. And after World WarⅡ it changed to the enterprise community. He suggested that the collectivism and enterprise community were the key elements before and after World WarⅡ.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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