


The Study of FDRC's Influence on North Korea's System


李根英(Geun-Yong Lee);林志豪(Chih-Hao Lin)


北韓水災 ; 政治改革 ; 北韓與中國關係 ; 北韓政治體系 ; North Korea's flood ; North Korea's political system ; North Korean and China's relation ; Political reform




481期(2013 / 09 / 01)


45 - 62




天氣異變所造成的洪水足以影響國家的生存,1990年代後冷戰時期的開始,世界各國都開始面臨天氣異變所造成的損失與災害,隨者糧食、環境、健康、資訊交流的年代來臨,非傳統安保的影響力逐漸受到重視,並逐漸超過原本的傳統安保觀念,最近的全球溫暖化、水資源短缺導致水災、乾旱、暴雨和土石流逐漸頻繁,也漸漸的開始威脅到國家體系的安全,造成大規模的財產損失與重大災情。在這樣的趨勢下,北韓也不例外,同樣面臨自然災害的威脅。北韓為了能夠有效處理災情,並從國際社會得到支援,成立了「大水被害對策委員會」(Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee,簡稱FDRC),從1995~2000年之間,北韓的災害體系主管機關曾經更動過數次:大水被害委員會、大水被害對策委員會、北韓紅十字會、與大水被害防止對策聯合指揮部。從1995年開始,北韓開始接受國際組織的支援,包含韓國、日本與美國。當時1995年的水災,讓北韓暫時開放國門接受國外團體進入北韓執行人道救援。除此之外,蒙受大水災害的中國也另行對北韓提供人道援助。也因為這次的水災,北韓開始加強自身的救災體系的運作,確保該系統可以有效的運作,並維持在朝鮮半島的穩定。除此之外,北韓的救災系統也可以視為是北韓體系的一部份,北韓可以透過此非正式管道,獲得國際社會的支援與交流。但是目前北韓也正面臨困境,除了接受韓國與中國的援助之外,北韓也必須要維持平衡來自外界的影響,而周邊國家也為了要維持東北亞的穩定,得持續地加強援助北韓,但卻無法擺脫目前的困境。


In order to receive the aid from the international community, North Korean authorities had organized FDRC (Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee). From 1995-2000, the organization has been changed several times: Flood Damage Committee, Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee: FDRC, Red Cross and Flood Damage Prevention Command).Since 1995, North Korea has received economic aid from international organizations, including South Korea, China, Japan and the United States. As a result, North Korea has the burden of keeping open. In addition, the international community continued their support for the benefit of the country. Eventually, North Korea began to prove efficiency of their disaster aid system and make sure regime's stability in Korea Peninsula. The disaster aid system is also an important part of North Korea's political system. According to this system, North Korea can receive support and communicate from international community without official channels.But North Korea also falls into a dilemma by receiving aid from Neighboring countries that include South Korea and China as it must also subdue influence from outside world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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