


TPP and KORUS FTA as the U.S. Rebalancing Economic Strategy in Asia-Pacific


黃子庭(Tzu-Ting Huang)


後美國時代 ; 亞太經濟戰略 ; 美韓FTA ; 亞太再平衡 ; Post-America era ; Asia-Pacific economic strategy ; KORUS FTA ; TPP ; Rebalancing Strategy in Asia-Pacific




485期(2014 / 09 / 01)


1 - 23




美國雖是雙邊及區域FTA的倡議者,以NAFTA開啟了區域自由貿易協定的先河,但是近年來美國在亞太地區的FTA呈現蟄伏(dormant)的狀態,美國雖與馬來西亞、泰國等東南亞國家談FTA,但這些談判都進展非常緩慢或接近停滯。尤有甚者,面對來自中國崛起的強大壓力,及亞洲國家的紛紛整合,中日韓FTA的形成,美國擔憂亞太地區逐漸形成以亞洲國家自身為主的「亞洲唯一集團」(Asia-only bloc),所以積極以區域經濟整合的策略如FTAAP、TPP等來凝聚亞洲國家對美國的向心力,以作為其重返亞太地區及「亞太再平衡」策略的支柱之一。因此,本文首先探討以FTA作為經濟戰略的外交動機,以及亞太國家簽署FTA的動機。其次本文分析不同的國家在區域政治中有不同的FTA結盟的需求,進而影響到其FTA夥伴的選擇。再次,面對中國崛起,亞太地區各國改變結盟的方式,不再以美國馬首是瞻,視美國為亞太地區唯一霸權。「後美國時代」美國的亞太戰略也隨之改弦易輒,以美韓FTA及TPP作為重返亞太區域的主導先鋒。最末,本文評估此種戰略的成效與未來展望。


U.S. was the initiator of bilateral and regional FTAs with the pathfinder of NAFTA negotiation. Nevertheless the FTAs of U.S. in Asia-Pacific were dormant recently, especially about the FTAs with Malaysia and Thailand. U.S. confronts the great pressure from "the Rise of China" and the integration of Asian countries, the formation of Japan-China-Korea FTA and the Asia-only bloc. The economic strategies such as TPP and KORUS FTA are used to agglomerate the centripetal force of U.S. in Asia-Pacific. This essay will explore the diplomatic motive of FTA of Asia-Pacific countries at first. Secondly, it will analyze the different needs for coalition of Asia-Pacific countries, thus affecting the selection of their FTA partners. Thirdly, the Asia-Pacific countries no longer follow the steps of U.S. in dimension of security or economy as the only hegemony. In the Post-America era, U.S. must adjust and evaluate its Asia-Pacific economic strategies with KORUS FTA and TPP playing the predominant role.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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