In this study, the investment point of view of the pros and cons of the Breakeven Point Analysis of practical research, at the same time need to have a good business vision and strategy for the short-term return on investment after the venture capital investment decision-making practice to discount the period during the law to explore. Because the site is a commitment to long-term resources, it is important for the site to view the level and growth rate of population and employment in an area. The retail site analysis must determine how long the growth rate will last, and how the growth rate will affect the demand for merchandise sales in the store. A region with a large population and high population growth is better than a region with a declining population. Entrepreneurs want to join the contemporary high-paying, high risk of joining the cause of innovation, well-known entrepreneurs have basic management skills and product structure, sources of funds, market supply and demand, professional skills are the necessary resources for entrepreneurial success conditions, however, Factors that affect operating costs can not be underestimated.
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