


Research on China's real estate bubble and investment risk assessment


曾惠珠(Hui Chu Tseng)


房地產業 ; 投資風險 ; 泡沫 ; 房地產泡沫指數 ; Real Estate Industry ; Investment Risk ; Bubbles ; Index of Real Estate Bubbles




495期(2017 / 03 / 01)


39 - 57






The real estate industry is exceedingly characteristic in China economic development. The development of real estate industry is in connection with the development of other correlative industry and the increase of national economy as a whole. So it is theoretically important and realistically significant to construct systematically risk analysis method for Chinese real estate industry and to use this method to recognize bubbles that exist in real estate industry of China. We mainly use empirical approach while taking theoretical research as guidance, and emphasis is put on quantitative method guided by qualitative analysis. We analyze the investment risk of real estate industry by synthetically applying the index of real estate bubbles, approach of indices composition algorithm, and econometric approach. The conclusion drawn from this paper is as follows. As far as the whole country is concerned, there is no bubble in the real estate industry of China and investment risk is still under control at present. But, there are a lot of problems that should be settled down.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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