This study employs two financial management indicators, days sales outstanding and days payable outstanding, as the proxy variables for customer relationship strength and supplier relationship strength respectively to explore whether these two strengths have impacts on companies' six profitability ratios, which are gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin, earnings per share (EPS), return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE). Our regression analysis findings show that the impacts on gross profit margin are negative for customer relationship strength but positive for relationship strength. As to operating profit margin, net profit margin, and ROA, the two both strengths bring negative effect. In addition, the impacts on EPS and ROE are positive for customer relationship strengths but negative for supplier relationship strength respectively. It is notable that those aforementioned impacts customer relationship strength brings exhibit relatively poor statistical significance. However, the testing significance performances for supplier relationship strength are highly promising in most cases. As such, our research findings highlight the crucial roles of capital budgeting and financial planning adequacy for companies which pursue the dual goals of maximizing stockholders' wealth and customers' benefit.
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