Taiwan's tourism industry is booming and the competition in the travel industry is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to survive in the market, how to improve the business performance of the travel industry is an important issue. This study is a quantitative study, the questionnaire collection method is purposive sampling, and taking the management of the travel industry as the research subjects. This study sent 600 questionnaires, received 443 questionnaires and 342 valid questionnaires were used, data analysis was carried out with SPSS 18.0 statistical software package to verify the research hypothesis of this study, and then the research conclusions and recommendations of this study were proposed. According to the findings, the market-oriented of the travel industry positive effect on marketing capabilities; the marketing capabilities of the travel industry positive effect on business performance; the market-oriented of the travel industry positive effect on business performance. In the end, according to the research results, practical suggestions are put forward.
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