


The relationship between corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty: The discussion of corporate image's intermediary effect - Taking IKEA as an example


鄭雙慧(Shuang-Hui Cheng);鄭亦晴(Yi-Ching Cheng);呂學彰(Hsueh-Chang Lu);張乃欣(Nai-Sin Jhang);黃盈甄(Ying-Chen Huang);胡峻維(Jun-Wei Hu);王妤萍(Yu-Ping Wang)


企業社會責任 ; 企業形象 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 中介分析 ; 結構模式驗證 ; Corporate Social Responsibility ; Corporate Image ; Customer Loyalty ; Mediation Analysis ; Structural Equation Modeling




506期(2019 / 12 / 01)


15 - 31




企業社會責任逐漸風行,企業應如何透過執行企業社會責任建立良好的企業形象,並培養顧客忠誠度來提升競爭力為目前企業的首要任務。本研究以IKEA為例,採用結構模式驗證,探討企業社會責任、企業形象與顧客忠誠度之間的關聯性,並檢視企業形象在企業社會責任與顧客忠誠度之間的中介分析。本研究藉由項目分析以及(SEM, Structural Equation Modeling)結構方程模式建立一個二階的模型,主要探討企業形象會中介企業社會責任與顧客忠誠度間之正向關係和企業社會責任、企業形象對顧客忠誠度之影響模型期望共變異數矩陣與樣本共變異矩陣無差異分析。


The topic of corporate social responsibility is being discussed gradually in Taiwan. How should corporates build up good corporate images by using corporate social responsibility and establish customer loyalty to increase competitiveness becomes corporates'first priority. This research took IKEA as an example and applied structural equation modeling to discuss the relationships among corporate social responsibility, corporate image and customer loyalty, and examined corporate image's mediation analysis between corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty. This research created a second order model by using Item analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to discuss on corporate image will intermediary corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty between the positive relationship and corporate social responsibility, corporate image of the impact of customer loyalty model with no difference analysis between the expected co-variation Matrix and the sample co-variation matrix.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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