


Discussion on Consumer Satisfaction and Repurchase Willingness from a golf tourism perspective and example


黃明一(Ming-Yi Huang);李逸(Yi Lee)


觀光產業 ; 消費者 ; 量化研究 ; 運動觀光 ; Tourism Industry ; Consumer ; Quantitative Study ; Sports Tourism




506期(2019 / 12 / 01)


53 - 66




高爾夫球旅遊擁有龐大的商機,並且是運動觀光的各種類型當中,所占產值比例最大的,然而相關研究發展甚少,因此本研究將針對高爾夫球旅遊消費者進行研究。本研究為量化研究,問卷蒐集方式,採取立意抽樣法,以高爾夫球旅遊消費者為研究對象,共回收406份問卷,有效問卷共402份,以SPSS 18.0之統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,驗證本研究的研究假說,進而提出本研究之研究結論與建議。研究結果顯示,參與高爾夫球旅遊之消費者,服務品質會正向影響再購意願與消費者滿意度、消費者滿意度會正向影響再購意願、消費者滿意度對服務品質與再購意願具有完全中介效果。並在最後依照研究結果提出實務建議。


Golf tourism has huge business opportunities, and among the various types of sports tourism, the largest proportion of the output value, however, there is little development in related research, so this study will be conducted for golf tourism consumers. This study is a quantitative study, questionnaire collection method is purposive sampling, and taking the golf tourism consumers as the research object. This study received 406 questionnaires and 402 valid questionnaires were used, data analysis was carried out with SPSS 18.0 statistical software package to verify the research hypothesis of this study, and then the research conclusions and recommendations of this study were proposed. According to the findings, consumers participating in golf tourism, the service quality positively impacts on repurchase intention and customer satisfaction; the customer satisfaction positively impacts on repurchase intention; the service quality and repurchase intention is completely mediated by customer satisfaction. At the end, according to the research results, practical suggestions are put forward.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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