


The State Compensation Responsibilities for Food Safety Inspection of Civil Servants-Focusing on Official and Slack in Performing Duties


劉育偉(Yu-Wei, Liu);黃子珊(Tzu-Shan, Huang)


公務員 ; 食品安全 ; 國家賠償 ; 執行職務 ; 怠惰 ; civil servants ; food safety ; state compensation ; performance of duties ; slack




518期(2022 / 12 / 01)


17 - 29






In recent years, food safety has become a serious problem, and it has also attracted social attention. Since the food safety inspection has been issued by the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and issued the food GMP mark, and has also used public occasions to publicize the certification mark to the public, it should ensure that the food can be safely eaten by the people. However, if the civil servants of the relevant competent authorities fail to perform their duties in the inspection and prevent the people from eating poisonous substances accidentally, it seems that no administrative authority needs to be liable for compensation. From the perspective of state compensation, this paper explores the problem of civil servants' laziness in performing inspection duties of food safety. At the same time, this paper also suggests that Taiwan's determination of state compensation responsibility for food safety incidents should be included in the determination of epidemiological causality to balance the legal status of the perpetrator and the victim in the future. In addition, when examining whether a civil servant has the elements of intention or negligence, the principles of "Presumption of Fault" and "Objectability of Accountability" should be adopted. Administrative organs should prove themselves that there is no intention or negligence, provide a basis for judging state compensation responsibility, and implement the core spirit of the Constitution to protect people's freedom and rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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