


A Study of the Effects of Self-concept, and Parenting Style on Aggressive Behavior of Elementary and Junior High School Students of Middle Taiwan




顏綵思(Tsai-Szu Yen);魏麗敏(Lee-Min Wei)


父母管教方式 ; 自我概念 ; 攻擊行為 ; parenting style ; self-concept ; aggressive behavior




19卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


23 - 48




本研究之主要目的有:一、探討不同個人背景變項的國中小學生在自我概念、父母管教方式與攻擊行為之差異情形。二、探討國中小學生自我概念、父母管教方式與攻擊行為之相關情形。三、考驗各背景變項、自我概念與父母管教方式對於國中小學生攻擊行為的預測作用。四、根據研究結果,提供具體之建議,以作為教育機關、教師、家長、相關輔導人員及未來研究之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以中部四縣市之國民小學高年級與國民中學一、二、三年級學生為研究對象,採用隨機叢集抽樣的方式,得有效樣本1,393份,研究結果發現如下: 一、不同性別與年級之國中小學生在自我概念上具有顯著差異。 二、不同年級之國中小學生在父親管教方式具有顯著差異;不同教育階段與家庭社經地位之國中小學生在母親管教方式具有顯著差異。 三、不同性別、年級之國中小學生在攻擊行為具有顯著差異。 四、不同父親、母親管教方式之國中小學生在自我概念具有顯著差異。 五、不同自我概念之國中小學生在攻擊行為具有顯著差異。 六、不同父親、母親管教方式之國中小學生在攻擊行為具有顯著差異。 七、自我概念、性別、父親反應等因素能夠有效預測國中小學生之攻擊行為。


The main purposes of the study were: (1) to investigate the differences among self-concept, parenting style. and aggressive behavior from different background of elementary and junior high school students (2) to explore the relationship among elementary and junior high school students' self-concept, parenting style, and aggressive behavior (3) to predict elementary and junior high school students' aggressive behavior with different background variables. self-concept, and parenting style (4) to provide some suggestions for school authorities, teachers, parents, school counselors, and further study. Questionnaire methods were employed in the study. Forty classes (1,393 students) were randomly sampled from 16 elementary and junior high schools in the central Taiwan. Instruments used in the study were Inventories of Basic Information Investigation. Self-Conception Scale. Parenting Style Scale, and Aggressive Behavior Scale. Data obtained in the study were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square test. Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The findings are as follows: 1. Elementary and junior high school students of different gender and grade are significantly different in self-concept. 2. Elementary and junior high school students of different grade are significantly different in paternal parenting style Elementary and junior high school students of different educational stage and SES are significantly different in maternal parenting style. 3. Elementary and junior high school students of different gender and grade are significantly different in aggressive behavior. 4. Elementary and junior high school students of different paternal and maternal parenting style are significantly different in self-concept. 5. Elementary and junior high school students of different self-concept are significantly different in aggressive behavior. 6. Elementary and junior high school students of different paternal and maternal parenting style are significantly different in aggressive behavior. 7. The self-concept gender, and paternal reaction can significantly predict elementary and junior high school students' aggressive behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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