Education is absolutely under the influence of revolutionary and remarkably-developed 21st century. In such a democratic, multiple, liberalistic, and global background, school education should be interacted and commuted with other social system. In other words, it would be changed, reformed, and improved in consist with social revolution to enhance educational quality.
Educational reform basically aims at improving management strategy, which needs administrable knowledge, operative idea, and concrete plan to promote educational quality and extend educational function. Enterprisers, the sensitive perceivers and persistent survivors in economic, political, and cultural alternation, naturally possess superb management strategy, which could make those businessmen towering and successful in the disorder world. If educational administers own the foresighted sensibility, which enables them to observe norm from disordered information, clarify key point from chaos, master earthly permanence and variety, and flexibly adapt to commercial management strategy, they might soon put their educational ideal into practice.
Among those enterprise management ideals, Total Quality Management and Balanced Score Card, the newly management philosophy and administrational model, obtain outstanding success in business. In fact, the two styles are different approaches to the same purpose. Therefore, if being integrated, strengthened, and complemented with each other, they surely can help improve school management strategy, enhance educational quality, and execute prominent educational ideal in the coming day.
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