


A Qualitative Study on Early Childhood Teachers' Belief and Teaching Practice in Implementing Thematic Teaching




陳淑琴(Shu-Chin Chen)


幼兒教育 ; 主題教學 ; 教師信念 ; 教學行爲 ; Early childhood education ; Thematic teaching ; Teacher's belief ; Teaching Practice




21卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


27 - 51




本研究旨在探討幼兒教師對主題教學之信念及其教學行爲,主要目的如下: 1. 了解國內外研究教師信念與教學行爲相關研究發現。 2. 釐清主題教學的定義和內涵。 3. 瞭解幼兒教師對主題教學之信念爲何。 4. 瞭解幼兒教師對主題教學之信念如何反應在教學行爲上。 5. 探討幼兒教師在進行主題教學時教學行爲的影響因素。 本研究者採用質性研究法,研究資料蒐集工具包含文件收集、教室觀察紀錄、半結構式訪談;分別選擇公私立園所各一共兩所自稱實施主題教學之園所,每個園所各一班共四名幼兒教師,作爲本研究之研究對象,以兩學期的時間進行資料蒐集。資料分析與討論包含相關文獻觀點、研究資料所呈現的觀點、以及研究者的詮釋觀點,三者間的交叉分析及討論。 研究發現包括: 1. 幼兒教師對主題教學有不同程度之認知,但是大多具正向之信念。 2. 教學信念足以影響幼兒教師教學行爲,但是實際影響教師教學行爲的因素相當複雜,包括教學信念、過去的相關經驗、以及園所的教學情境和支持系統。 3. 幼兒教師在實施課程時,教學信念會反映在所採取的教學策略和教育決定上。 4. 教師書寫教學日誌、持續同儕專業對話、和不斷進行教學反思有助於教學行爲之改善。


The main purpose of this qualitative research is to closely examine and describe early childhood teachers' belief and teaching practice and to see how the inter-impacts do to each other while they are implementing thematic teaching in their classroom. This researcher intended to examine the following questions: 1. What is the related literature in terms of teacher belief and teaching practice? 2. What is the related literature in terms of thematic teaching in the field of early childhood education? 3. What is the teachers' belief in implementing thematic teaching in their classrooms? 4. How did this belief on thematic teaching impact on their classroom practice? 5. What are the possible factors besides teacher belief which influence teachers' teaching practice in terms of implementing thematic teaching in their classrooms? Two preschools who declare that it is implementing the thematic teaching approach were selected to be the target settings. A class and two teachers from each setting were invited to be the study subjects on a recommended and voluntary base. This researcher entered the settings and collected the data a semesters for each setting in order to gain a clear and whole picture of the belief and teaching practice of teachers as well as the development of a curriculum. Non-participant observation, document collection, and in-depth interview were the major methods for collecting data. Triangulation was adopted for data analysis in order to meet the trustworthiness of this study. The findings include: 1. Teachers of young children showed different degree of understanding of thematic teaching, however, most of the attitudes are positive. 2. Teachers' belief do impact on their teaching practice, however, the influencing factors are far more complicate, including the teachers' belief, the related experiences, and the teaching situation and supportive system of their workplace. 3. Teachers' belief played an important role in teaching strategy forming and educational decision making while implementing thematic teaching. 4. Keeping teaching journals, dialogues between professional peers, and constantly exercising reflective thinking on teaching can help teachers to improve their own practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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