The study is to explore the quo status of ideology of teachers for organizational change in junior high schools. In fact, organizational change in schools is the adoption of a new idea by an organization. And ideology refers to a set of closely related ideas. Therefore, ideology, as its medium, will influence the implementation of organizational change in schools. In general, ideology of organizational change in schools is defined as the process and product of forming value systems. And it can appear in individual's cognition of work Ideology involves positive and negative conceptual systems. And the background of a school includes sex, degree, and position, and age of teachers, and area, and scale of teachers of their teaching environoment, which will cause different influences in implementation of organizational change in schools. In order to facilitate positive ideology of organizational change in schools, the six issues of background in schools must be measured. Therefore the study uses the questionnaire method to collect data, choosing 105 out of 719 junior schools, through a stratified random sampling approach, as samples; of 2500 questionnaires sent out, 1280 teachers completed ones were obtained and studied. The One-Way ANOVA was then used to test research problems.
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