


What Factors Influence Aboriginal Students' Mathematics Learning: An action Research in a Tribal Elementary School of Pingtung County




徐偉民(Wei-Min Hsu);楊雅竹(Ya-Chu Yang)


行動研究 ; 原住民學生 ; 數學學習 ; 學習習慣 ; Action Research ; Aboriginal Students ; Mathematics Learning ; Learning Habit




23卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


129 - 152






Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects of school for most aboriginal students in Taiwan, and playing a critical filter that deciding whether the students could get better education opportunities or not. The purposes of this study were to investigate what factors influence aboriginal students' mathematics learning. A tribal elementary school of Pingtung county was choose as study field, and a sixth-grade class as subjects that only have seven students. Action research method was conducted as a method and collected data by interviewing, observation, teaching practice and tutoring during nine months. The findings of this study were that most parents and teachers believed the main reasons why aboriginal students had poor performance in mathematics were lack of practice and mastering. They asked students practice more and more routine tasks for improving their mastering degree of mathematics. These students gradually fixed learning habits of mathematics that included seeking the most effective and the only way to solve mathematics tasks, depending arithmetical rules, and had no patient to understand mathematics concepts. We thought the fixed learning habits of mathematics were the critical reason of poor mathematics performance of aboriginal students. And the learning habits were influence by parents and teachers assumptions about student mathematics learning, and by their mentoring methods for improving mathematics performance. The forming process of learning habits was in a circle way. The relationship between learning habits and mathematics performance of aboriginal students need more test because the limitations of sampling and field context of this study. We hoped the findings of this study could provide another perspective to understand the issue about aboriginal students' performance of mathematics learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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