
The Characteristics of Victims of Bullying Behaviors in Taiwanese Students






魏麗敏(Lee-Min Wei);黃德祥(Der-Hsiang Huang)


欺凌行爲 ; 欺凌受害者 ; 父母教養 ; 家庭環境 ; Bullying Behaviors ; Victims of Bullying Behaviors ; Parenting ; Family Environment




23卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


175 - 196






Bullying behaviors on the campus are attracted lots of attention in recent years in many countries. The main purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics and the association of being victims of bullying behaviors of junior high schools in Taiwan. Qualitative method was used in the study. Five junior high students of being bullied were selected to be subjects. Eight main issues of family factors and personal characteristics, including family structure parents, parenting style and parent-child relation, relationship with her/his sisters and brothers, relationship with classmates and teachers, time, site and cause of the bullying behavior, form of being bullied, handling style of the school and the parents and feeling and ideas on the bullying are analyzed qualitatively in this study. The study found that the victim students of bullying behavior had bad relationships with parents and brothers and sisters. They also showed silly, weak, lonely, lower performance and helpless, resulting in being target of bullying from other classmates. Moreover, their family environment was also lack of feeling support and coherence. Finally, some suggestions to improve counseling and education for bullied students are made according the findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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