


The Processes of School Closeness/Amalgamation in a Remote Small School: The Micropolitical Perspective




李貞儀(Chen-Yi Li)


小校 ; 裁併校 ; 微觀政治 ; 意識型態 ; 利益 ; Small School ; School Closeness/Amalgamation ; Micropolitics ; Ideologies ; Interests




24卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


1 - 25






Adopting the qualitative research approach, this study aimed to explore, through the micropolitical lens, the processes of school closeness/amalgamation in a remote school. Specifically, the paper concentrates on some issues, including power ecology, ideological conflict, interest orientations and power strategies used by the principal at the researched school. Most studies had paid attention to the policy of school closeness/amalgamation and its appropriate scale while few aiming to examine the processes of school closeness/amalgamation through the lens of micropolitics. The research findings revealed four aspects as follows: (a) power ecologies inside/outside the researched school have been changed; (b) ideological debates between accountability and educational opportunity equality occurred among the stakeholders; (c) personal interests preceded organizational interests; (d) the principal employed various power strategies to soften intergroup conflicts. Finally, the paper proposes several suggestions for policy considerations and leadership practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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