


A Study on the Acceptances Attitude of the Elementary School Students toward Their Peers with Autism




洪榮照(Jung-Chao Hung);黃翠琴(Tsui-Chin Huang)


自閉症學生 ; 接納態度 ; 學習成就 ; The Student With Autism ; Acceptances Attitude ; Learning Achievement.




24卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


177 - 194




本研究旨在探討國小普通班學生對自閉症同儕之接納態度。研究者採比率叢集抽樣的方式,抽取臺中市國小三、四、五、六年級班上安置有自閉症學生之普通班學生爲對象,有效樣本數共456人,調查之資料以人數、百分比、平均數、標準差敘述統計及t考驗及單因子變異數分析進行分析,結果如下: 1.國小普通班學生對自閉症同儕的接納態度是趨於正向態度。 2.國小普通班中年級學生對自閉症同儕的接納態度顯著高於普通班高年級學生。 3.不同性別、有無擔任幹部、不同學習成就的國小普通班學生對自閉症同儕的接納態度無顯著差異。 4.國小普通班學生對重度自閉症同儕之接納態度顯著高於中度及輕度自閉症學生。


The purpose of this study was to explore the acceptances attitudes of elementary school students toward their peers with autism. Both questionnaire survey and interview were used to achieve this purpose. There were valid questionnaires from the elementary school students. Various statistics methods, including frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA were employed to analyze the differences among the samples' background variables. The major findings: 1. The attitude of the elementary school students toward their peers with autism was positive and enthusiastic. 2. The differences of attitudes in elementary school students with different background variables: (1) There were different attitudes among students at different grades. The students of rd and 4th grade held much more positive attitude than 5th and 6th grade students. (2) There were no different attitudes among the students of different sex, have ever been class leaders or not, in different levels and different levels of learning achievement. 3. The elementary school students held different attitudes toward different degree disabilities of their peers with autism. The students held more positive attitudes toward their peers with serious degree autism than those who were middle and light degrees with autism. 4. The influence factor about the attitudes of the elementary school students toward their peers with autism had teacher's attitudes, the autism student's special capability and the behavior problem. 5. Based on study results, some concrete suggestions were brought up as references for the education administration, the school's administration, teachers, and correlated study in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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