This paper uses a case study to explore the impact of science teachers' curriculum belief on pupils' learning. The teaching belief and activities of teachers and the learning effect of pupils were integrated as a curriculum matrix, which in turn enables us to investigate the sustainable growth trait of human being's learning model on the effect of pupils' learning effect. Objects participating in this case study are two science teachers with difference in seniority and pupils randomly selected from one of their classes. Data are collected from deep interviews, records of teaching observations, digital video-taping and some other materials related to the study. Those collected from interviews were classified into three levels: interior, exterior and meta-cognitive. We follow Kelly grid technique to analyze teachers' curriculum development beliefs, and then employ Paglieri (2006) argument on Toulmin (1958, 2003) framework to investigate its impact on the learning outcome of pupils. The results of this study show that the implementation of the dynamic curriculum guided by the living systems does not only encourage pupils to participate in learning actively but also stimulate them to think critically in the face of scientific-social issues. Curriculums that enable pupils' cognitive to inspire their learning motivation are those visible and obtainable curriculums of living science. Pupils also expect their science teacher to have the following three characteristics. First, science teacher need to have proficient pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Secondly, science teachers need to master the teaching materials and have sufficient preparation. Thirdly, the whole learning process should be full of fun and novelty. In addition, the analysis of science teachers' curriculum development indicates that their content knowledge dominates the whole curriculum development.
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