The purpose of this study is to develop scales used by college students who take general education courses to evaluate instructor's teaching, test the applicability of tools at different course fields, and examine the possible influences caused by instructors' and students' characteristics. The original scales were derived from tools used by students at a university of technology to evaluate instructor's teaching. The samples were 2097 college students who took general education courses. After being statistically tested by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, empirical data were used to develop scales for college students who take general education courses to evaluate instructors' teaching, which includes four dimensions, teaching materials and methods, interaction between teachers and students, learning assessment, and student learning, and a total of items. Both of the validity and reliability are good, and are applicable to courses of four different fields. The regression analysis shows that the higher intention students have to take courses, the higher grades students expect to receive, the stronger interest students show in courses and the more lenient instructors are, the higher teaching rating the instructors receive. Except that the department instructors belong to has substantial impacts, instructor's teaching rating of life science courses is the lowest; instructors with 21 years or more of teaching experiences are rated highest; female faculty receives higher rating than male faculty; adjunct instructors have higher rating than full-time faculty; Instructor and Assistant Professor are rated higher than Associate Professor; and there is no significant prediction ability in instructor's academic degrees.
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