


A Study of the Relationship between Learning Communities and the Professional Performance of Teachers




張淑宜(Shu-I Chang);辛俊德(Chun-Te Hsin)


社群 ; 學習社群 ; 專業表現 ; Community ; Learning Community ; Professional Performance




25卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


83 - 103






The main purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between learning communities of elementary teachers and the professional performance of teachers. This study also attempted to understand what effects school learning communities have on teachers' professional performance.The main research method applied in this study was a questionnaire survey. The sample of this survey was based on the questionnaire and stratified random methods, consisting of teachers selected from public elementary schools in Taichung City and County. There were effective questionnaires, so 95.62 percent of questionnaires were determined to be useful. Survey data were statistically analyzed by applying mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person's product-moment correlation and canonical and multiple stepwise regression analysis.Based on results of the survey, the conclusions of this study are summarized as follows:1. The elementary teachers' participated well in learning communities. In particular, the ”construture support” learning communities were the most significant from teachers; however, ”mutual revision” communities had the lowest level of participation (note: I am confused by the term ”construture support.” I cannot find any other reference to this term online. Please consider revising).2. The elementary teachers' participation in learning communities did not vary significantly according to different variables.3. The professional performances of elementary school teachers were satisfactory. This was especially true in regard ”professional attitude”; however, performance appeared less satisfactory in regard to ”class management”.4. The professional performance of elementary school teachers showed significant differences in terms of the affects of teachers' teaching seniority, and school size.5. The results revealed that there is a positive correlation between elementary learning communities and the professional performance of teachers. In particular, there was a strong correlation between ”construture support”, ”curriculum teaching” and ”counseling knowledge”. (Note: Again, the use of ”construture” seems very awkward here.)6. The elementary teachers' participation in learning communities can predict the professional performance of teachers. Above all, the ”construture support” was the best predictor of teachers' professional performances. According to the results, we provide practical suggestions to educational administrative institutions and elementary school teachers. We also offer suggestions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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