


The Relationships between Teachers' Person-Job Fit and Work Role Behaviors


顏弘欽(Hung-Chin Yen)


工作角色行為 ; 階段SEM檢定方法 ; 人-工作適配 ; work role behavior ; two-stage SEM ; person-job fit




27卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


19 - 37






The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between teachers' personjob fit and work role behaviors. The survey research method was adopted. Targeting public elementary school teachers in Taiwan, a questionnaire survey was conducted, and 730 valid copies were recovered. The relationship was tested by two-stage SEM. The conclusions are shown below: 1. ”the fit of life's need” can positive affect ”the fit of social identity” and ”the fit of job ability;” 2. ”the fit of social identity” and ”the fit of job ability” can positive affect teachers’ work job behaviors; 3. person-job fit have well explanatory on teacher's work role behavior. Finally, according to the findings, this study proposes suggestions for educational practice and future researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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