


Ethics in Educational Research for the Disadvantaged: From the Perspective of Critical Ethnography Methodology


陳意榕(Yi-Jung Chen)


批判俗民誌 ; 弱勢教育研究倫理視野 ; 雙贏倫理決定 ; Critical Ethnography ; the Ethical Horizon in Educational Research for the Disadvantaged ; Win-win Ethical Decisions




28卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 22






The main purpose of this study is to illustrate the significance and implications of the ethics in educational research for the disadvantaged by applying critical ethnography methodology. The research attempts to place the modes of ethical considerations in the context of educational research for the disadvantaged through macro and micro examination. As a result, the researcher came up with an adapted figure, titled "The Ethical Horizon in Educational Research for the Disadvantaged". Analyzing McLaren's masterpiece "Schooling as a Ritual Performance: towards a Political Economy of Educational Symbols and Gestures" by examining the application of critical ethnography methodology, several reflections gradually emerges in the study. Finally, the meaning of educational research for the disadvantaged is enriched and the spirit of science fully enshrined by the accomplishment of win-win ethical decisions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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