


Relationships of Attachment Relationships, Self-concept, and Life Adjustment among Students in Taiwan


蕭金土(Chin-Tu Hsiao);陳瑋婷(Wei-Ting Chen)


生活適應 ; 自我概念 ; 依附關係 ; Life Adjustment ; Self-Concept ; Attachment Relationships




28卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


23 - 48






This study applied methods of meta-analysis and structural equation modeling to inquire and compare the correlation magnitudes and relationships of attachment relationships, selfconcept, and life adjustment among students in primary and secondary schools. Based on 63 studies from 1979 to 2011, the meta-analyses showed positive correlations between attachment relationships and self-concept (□=.44), positive correlations between attachment relationships and life adjustment (□=.46), and positive correlations between self-concept and life adjustment (□=.66). Moreover, school level variable and student type variable were not significant moderators. Finally, the results of path analyses indicated attachment relationships had direct and indirect positive effects through self-concept on life adjustment among students. According to results, suggestions for researchers and policymakers were indicated in the end.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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