


A Validation Study of the Mathematics Achievement Task Value Scale for Junior High School Students


林曉芳(Hsiao-Fang Lin)


國中生 ; 短題本 ; 數學科 ; 課業任務價值 ; Junior High School Students ; Short form ; Mathematics ; Achievement Task Value




30卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


53 - 80






This study developed a mathematics achievement task value scale for junior high school students, and there were 1960 first-year junior high school students from northern, middle, southern, and western of Taiwan. Based on the collected data, developed an instrument (comprising 34 items) to measure the mathematics achievement task values of junior high school students and subsequently tested its reliability and validity. The original scale was abbreviated into a short-form scale (comprising 12 items), and the two scales were compared using structural equation modeling to confirm that their measurement invariance, reliability, and validity were equal and that they fit the data structures. The results of this study indicate the following: (1) the results of confirmatory factor analysis indicate that the mathematics achievement task values of junior high school students can include importance, utility, cost, and interest. In addition, the short-form scale provides strong explanatory effects. (2) The goodness-of-fit indicator of cross-validation analysis supports the hypothesis of measurement stability. Finally, possible applications for this scale, including for the early identification and prevention of problematic task values among junior high school students, and implications for further psychometric research are highlighted.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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