


The Cultural Practice and Understanding of Facebook: The Shock of Perceptual Technology and Cognitive Order in Network Platform


黎煥延(Huan-Yen Lee)


文化認識 ; 社群網絡 ; 秩序衝突 ; 視覺展示 ; 臉書平台 ; Cultural Understanding ; Social Network ; Conflict Order ; Visual Display ; Facebook Platform




33卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


57 - 74






The media technology of the contemporary community platform not only extends people's sensory perception, but also creates a virtual interactive network world. In this closed sensory technology system, the prior configuration of Facebook has given people, interactive technical tools, expressions of representation, and common language order. Its population is the largest in the world, so Facebook has also become the most important information medium for human communication and knowledge. In daily life, social network has become the space of cultural understanding and production-consumption, important channels for linking itself with the external world. However, this virtual reality network is more vivid than the real world, and people's digital identities have become more valuable. Among them, the social network platform of Facebook, through the collection of truth and true records, has further created a true origin and made it a truly legitimate position in the cultural order. Facebook also endowed the new life, image, and order relationships of objects through legitimate procedures such as monitoring, standardization, and inspection of the platform's order. This kind of visual display of authoritative order also determines the standard of participation and exclusion when people communicate, learn and understand. Today, understanding the conflicts between the cultural practice and opponent order of Facebook has become an important topic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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