


An Exploration of Correlated Factors Influencing an English Academic Achievement Model for 7th Graders'


張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)


英語學習成就 ; 家庭社經地位 ; 靜態文化資本 ; 動態文化資本 ; 學習動機 ; dynamic cultural capital ; English academic achievement ; learning motivation




35卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 32






This study proposes an English achievement model and identifies the correlated factors influencing junior high school students' English academic achievement. The proposed model utilizes the theories of cultural capital, educational expectations and motivation as frames of reference. Data used in this study were drawn from the "Learning Performance Survey of Junior High School Students" database developed in 2010, with 1,527 7th graders as samples. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed to analyze the data. Results indicated that: 1. The higher the socioeconomic status (SES) was, the more static and dynamic cultural capital the family possessed and the higher educational expectations the parents had. 2. SES indirectly influences students' English academic achievement, families' static and dynamic cultural capital, parents' educational expectations, and English learning motivation as mediator variables. 3. Family static cultural capital had a great effect on English academic achievement than did family dynamic cultural capital. Moreover, among all the variables, English learning motivation had the strongest influencing power, stronger than SES, on English academic achievement. Finally, SES had a full mediated effect on English learning achievements through parental education expectations and dynamic cultural capital. The contribution of this research was to divide cultural capital into static and dynamic types, and it was found that parents' educational expectations and dynamic cultural capital had significant mediating effects on family SES and English learning achievement. This shows that the above two factors have greater impacts on English learning achievement than do family and society. Moreover, SES played an even more important role than other factors. In response to the above conclusions, specific suggestions were provided for practical application and future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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