


Relationships Between College Students’ Hope, Problem-Solving, and Career Development from the Perspective of Positive Psychology


江捷如(Jye-Ru Jiang);杜淑芬(Su-Fen Tu);樊愛群(Ai-Chun Fan)


大學生 ; 正向心理學 ; 生涯發展 ; 希望感 ; 問題解決 ; Career Development ; College Student ; Hope ; Problem Solving ; Positive Psychology




30卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


17 - 40






This study explores the relationships among college students' hope, problem-solving, and career development from the perspectives of positive psychology. Using a questionnaire survey approach, the participants were 437 college students sampled from public and private universities of northern Taiwan. The measurements included the Hope Scale(HS), Problem-Solving Appraisal Inventory, and the Career Maturity Scale. A path analysis among these three variables was conducted. The results showed that: 1. perceiving competence in problem-solving has direct effect on hope; 2. hope has a direct effect on career development; 3. hope has a moderate effect relating perceiving competence in problem solving and career development. The discussion and suggestions were made with regard to the teaching, research, and practice of career guidance.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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